Actress Anushka Sharma is going to marry Virat Kohli in Italy. Recently, the neighbor of Sharma Family disclosed this and said that it will be a marriage in the presence of just select people on Italian Destination. Anushka's family living in Badrinath Towers in Versova, where she has invited her neighbors to get married. So Virat has also given a wedding card to selected friends of Delhi. In which one is his childhood friend who played cricket with Virat while the other is his fitness advisor.
As Sharma family lives in Badrinath Tower. Among the rumors, we had a special conversation with a neighbor in the building.
- He has told rumors right in the meantime. Apart from this, decoration has also been done from colorful lights outside the house for a long time.
The decoration outside the house is exactly the same as the atmosphere of a celebration.
- On Thursday night, Anushka was seen with father Ajay Kumar Sharma, mother Ashima and brother Karnesh Sharma at the Mumbai airport. Together they were also pundits of his family.
According to media reports, both can marry between 9 and 12 December. All races will be in Milan, Italy.
As Sharma family lives in Badrinath Tower. Among the rumors, we had a special conversation with a neighbor in the building.
- He has told rumors right in the meantime. Apart from this, decoration has also been done from colorful lights outside the house for a long time.
The decoration outside the house is exactly the same as the atmosphere of a celebration.
- On Thursday night, Anushka was seen with father Ajay Kumar Sharma, mother Ashima and brother Karnesh Sharma at the Mumbai airport. Together they were also pundits of his family.
According to media reports, both can marry between 9 and 12 December. All races will be in Milan, Italy.
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