Indian star cricketer Virat Kohli and film actress Anushka Sharma were on their way back to Gurgaon on Monday after returning from honeymoon. For three days, DLF of Gurgaon is standing in the Kothi of Face-1. On Wednesday, many fans of Virat waited for 4 to 5 hours to get one glimpse of Delhi-NCR but they did not come out. In such a case, they started returning to Fans from around 4 in the evening. Virus will go to Delhi on Thursday for reception
Nuwilid celebrity added Gurgaon's DLF is located in Kothi number C1 / 10 of Face One. Virat's elder sister and sister-in-law also stayed in Gurgaon. On Wednesday afternoon, the decoration of flowers was removed at around 2 o'clock.
- Many friends of Kohli arrived here to meet him, and returned to him for about half an hour after the conversation.
- Many fences from the morning stood outside the Kothi, but both the celebrities did not even reach the gate of the house.
Nuwilid celebrity added Gurgaon's DLF is located in Kothi number C1 / 10 of Face One. Virat's elder sister and sister-in-law also stayed in Gurgaon. On Wednesday afternoon, the decoration of flowers was removed at around 2 o'clock.
- Many friends of Kohli arrived here to meet him, and returned to him for about half an hour after the conversation.
- Many fences from the morning stood outside the Kothi, but both the celebrities did not even reach the gate of the house.
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