Devas 'God Mahadev' will be seen on the screen again after three years of fascinating actress Suhasi Dhami. This time the actress is returning to the serial 'Aap Ki' 'in a bold character. In the serial, a 42-year-old single mother's actress is in love with a 24-year-old boy. Reached Lucknow on Wednesday for the promotion of the show. He told that Mahadev was playing Parvati in the serial, sometimes I had to face a strange problem.
Actress Suhasi is originally from Gujarat. But after his birth, the entire family has shifted to Mumbai and shifted.
- Actress said, "Mother has acted in South Indian films. He was inspired by the mother to go to this field. "
Actress Suhasi is originally from Gujarat. But after his birth, the entire family has shifted to Mumbai and shifted.
- Actress said, "Mother has acted in South Indian films. He was inspired by the mother to go to this field. "
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