Kailash Giri, a resident of Madhya Pradesh, made 'Shravan Kumar' like his 'Shravan Kumar' and spent 24 years in the 24 dhams by placing his mother in Kanwar. Kailash's journey to 38 thousand kilometers in 16 states has ended in Jabalpur. Kailash, who reached Agra on Tuesday, told that he wants to open an ashram near Katangi (MP) which can serve the elderly. He had come to meet his friends and devotees in the Taj city.
Kailash Giri is originally from Jabalpur of Madhya Pradesh. Father's name is Shripal and mother's name is Kirti Devi Shripal. Kailash's father died in childhood only, while after some time his elder brother died.
Kailash was a Brahmachari since childhood. Even when the eyes were not illuminated, Mother Kirti took full care of her.
- After falling from the tree in 1994, Kailash's condition worsened and it was difficult to escape. When the mother recovered her, she asked for the vow of the Narmada parikrama.
Kailash Giri is originally from Jabalpur of Madhya Pradesh. Father's name is Shripal and mother's name is Kirti Devi Shripal. Kailash's father died in childhood only, while after some time his elder brother died.
Kailash was a Brahmachari since childhood. Even when the eyes were not illuminated, Mother Kirti took full care of her.
- After falling from the tree in 1994, Kailash's condition worsened and it was difficult to escape. When the mother recovered her, she asked for the vow of the Narmada parikrama.
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