Actress and 'Chak De Girl' Sagarika Ghatge and cricketer Zaheer Khan reached the Famous Kolhapur temple of Maharashtra late on Friday night. The newly married couple stayed in the temple complex for about 15 minutes. Both also worshiped the temple in Ambabai temple. After the information about Sagarika and Zaheer's arrival, hundreds of his fans also reached the temple. Both reached the temple without telling anyone
As soon as Sagarika and Zaheer came to know, their fences reached a huge number of temple complexes. Seeing the crowds, temple officials informed the local police about this. An official associated with the temple administration said that the two did not give any information before arrival. Suddenly the news of the arrival of his arrival made the temple scary for some time.
- Given the apprehension of the crowd, both of them had chosen the night time to come to the temple. After reaching the temple, the temple committee officials welcomed both. Let me tell you that, last week, both are tied in marriage.
As soon as Sagarika and Zaheer came to know, their fences reached a huge number of temple complexes. Seeing the crowds, temple officials informed the local police about this. An official associated with the temple administration said that the two did not give any information before arrival. Suddenly the news of the arrival of his arrival made the temple scary for some time.
- Given the apprehension of the crowd, both of them had chosen the night time to come to the temple. After reaching the temple, the temple committee officials welcomed both. Let me tell you that, last week, both are tied in marriage.
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