किसी की मौत पर रो नहीं सकती थीं महिलाएं, ऐसे ही अजीबो-गरीब रिवाज

Women could not cry on the death of someone in Roman. Indeed, there were women weeping and shouting their faces crying or shouting their face to the nails. It was banned by being disturbed by this kind of crying.

In Egypt, people used to worship the cat as sacred. They used to be the auspicious cat in the house. They used to shave one of their eyebrows to express sadness on the cat's death. Even in Egypt, punishment was given to killing a cat. The same strange-poor custom was in Scotland. The use of animal feces was used as a medical treatment. People used to use crocodile dung as contraceptive and sheep dung used to treat small pox. There are also many countries where animal dung was used to fill the wounds of the sepoys. To prevent bleeding from the nose, a pig's dung was used.
