After Anushka Sharma, Bollywood actress Surwin Chawla's marriage has also been reported. Surveen married his boyfriend and businessman Akshay Thakkar. Recently, both photos and videos of wedding photos have been found in which wedding rituals are seen. Let them say that both of them were married to Christian custom.
Surveen and Akshay were in relationship with each other since 2013.
- Both were met by a common friend. Both of them had planned marriage in January 2018.
According to the report, before the fixed plan, both of them married in Italy in 2015 in the presence of family and now Surveen shares this news publicly.
Surveen and Akshay were in relationship with each other since 2013.
- Both were met by a common friend. Both of them had planned marriage in January 2018.
According to the report, before the fixed plan, both of them married in Italy in 2015 in the presence of family and now Surveen shares this news publicly.
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