Recently, Karan Johar has shared a photo with his son-daughter Yash and Rumi Johar's Kareena Kapoor with son Timur on their Instagram. In this, these three children are seen playing together. At the same time, Karan also said in the photo post that new friendship started and that in the coming days, Timur will be the new best friends of Yash-Ruhi Industry. Let me tell you, where Yash-Ruhi is 10 months old, then Timur will be on December 20 for 1 year.
Recently, Aditya, daughter of Rani Mukherjee and Aditya Chopra, celebrated her second birthday. While Taimur and Yash-Ravi had reached.
- On the birthday of Adira, where Tamim had reached with Kareena and Aussie Karishma, Yash-Ravi arrived in the party with Papa Karan Johar.
On the other hand, Tushar Kapoor joined Shah Rukh Khan, Deepika Padukone, Ranvir Singh, Sonam Kapoor and his sister Ria Kapoor along with his son's goal, son Abiram.
- Let me tell you that Rani Mukerji's father Ram Mukherjee was killed a few months ago, that's why Rani and Aditya kept a little celebration for the daughter.
Recently, Aditya, daughter of Rani Mukherjee and Aditya Chopra, celebrated her second birthday. While Taimur and Yash-Ravi had reached.
- On the birthday of Adira, where Tamim had reached with Kareena and Aussie Karishma, Yash-Ravi arrived in the party with Papa Karan Johar.
On the other hand, Tushar Kapoor joined Shah Rukh Khan, Deepika Padukone, Ranvir Singh, Sonam Kapoor and his sister Ria Kapoor along with his son's goal, son Abiram.
- Let me tell you that Rani Mukerji's father Ram Mukherjee was killed a few months ago, that's why Rani and Aditya kept a little celebration for the daughter.
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