TV actress Malini Kapoor, who played Vasundhara in the popular TV show 'Balika Vadhu', gave birth to the son on Tuesday. He recently said in a statement that 'I am very happy. Our family has completed our son in the house. This is my very exciting moment. I can not express my happiness. I feel that becoming a mother for a woman is the biggest day in her life.
Let's tell you that some time ago Malini shared photos with baby bump flown. Malini married Ajay Sharma in the year 2014. Ajay is also an actor and he met Malini on the set of 'Love You Jindagi'.
Let's tell you that some time ago Malini shared photos with baby bump flown. Malini married Ajay Sharma in the year 2014. Ajay is also an actor and he met Malini on the set of 'Love You Jindagi'.
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