आज कल सुनील शेट्टी का बेटा कर रहा ये काम...

Actor Sunil Shetty's son, Ahana Shetty, went to the spot in Bandra with her girlfriend Tania Shroff last night. Both of the Indigo restaurants were seen coming out of the restaurant. Tania was seen in black dress during this time. At the same time, Ahaan also got spot in white T-shirt and black jeans. Tell that both of them were separated after living in the relationship for 3-4 years, although now they both have come together.

While leaving the restaurant, Aahan was moving forward-forward and Tania was just behind her. As soon as he got out, Aahan opened the car gate and extended his hand to Tania to sit in the car. According to the reports, Ahaan and Tania were dating each other in school time. Both stayed in the relationship for nearly 3-4 years, after which both were broken in August 2015. This information was given by Ahan himself during an interview. After the breakup, Tania also told in the interview that she was dating Corso Sestini Branca after her death. After long time Ahan-Tania has come back.
