Bollywood actor Dharmendra has targeted the new film industry actors. Dharmendra has said these things during a program somewhere, Dharmendra has been holding back film artists in the past.
Actor Dharmendra describes the film industry as a 'vegetable market'. Taking a dig at today's new actors, he said that most of the artists are ready to do anything for the money. You give them money They do every work.
Dharmendra said that "Today's times are different from their time. Bollywood has become a vegetable market. Where you sell vegetables, buy and negotiate. Actors are ready to dance and sing anywhere
During this, Dharmendra said that Dilip Kumar and Madhubala were his inspirations. Seeing both, I used to think that these people are from another world. Later when I got so much love, I felt like people too
Actor Dharmendra describes the film industry as a 'vegetable market'. Taking a dig at today's new actors, he said that most of the artists are ready to do anything for the money. You give them money They do every work.
Dharmendra said that "Today's times are different from their time. Bollywood has become a vegetable market. Where you sell vegetables, buy and negotiate. Actors are ready to dance and sing anywhere
During this, Dharmendra said that Dilip Kumar and Madhubala were his inspirations. Seeing both, I used to think that these people are from another world. Later when I got so much love, I felt like people too
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