Salman Khan has become 52 years old. Born on December 27, 1965 in Indore, Madhya Pradesh, Salman's full name was Abdul Rashid Saleem Salman Khan. Surely many people still do not know their name even today. Well, Salman's life has many other such facts, which most people do not know.
In an interview, Salman said, "I was as simple as my childhood, my two brothers Arbaaz and Sohail were as satis. That was the reason that when we had fun from all three sides, at last I used to get caught, because both of them used to become rubbish before the arrival of the father-mother. After that my wash which was used to kill, I still remember, I remember even today. , but Scolding Alid Honor had enough. That does not even reduce our pranks after death of mother. "
In an interview, Salman said, "I was as simple as my childhood, my two brothers Arbaaz and Sohail were as satis. That was the reason that when we had fun from all three sides, at last I used to get caught, because both of them used to become rubbish before the arrival of the father-mother. After that my wash which was used to kill, I still remember, I remember even today. , but Scolding Alid Honor had enough. That does not even reduce our pranks after death of mother. "
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