Recently, Tiger Shroff and his girlfriends direction Patni were spotted at Mumbai airport. Sources believe that both of them have left the city last night to celebrate the New Year. During this time, Tiger was sitting in the lap of her Lady Love. Actually, when these two men met Ranvir Singh, Tiger offered Ranvir a seat next to his direction. Not only this, Tiger settled in the direction of the place to make room for Ranveer.
Let Tiger and the direction have not yet accepted their relationship publicly, but after such a photograph of the public place appears, it seems that they
- This couple is currently shooting for the upcoming movie 'Baji 2', which is a 'rebel', which is the second year in 2016.
Let Tiger and the direction have not yet accepted their relationship publicly, but after such a photograph of the public place appears, it seems that they
- This couple is currently shooting for the upcoming movie 'Baji 2', which is a 'rebel', which is the second year in 2016.
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