Two sons of Lalu were arrested during the Bihar shutdown on December 21. However, he was released shortly after. It is being told that after the arrest, both sons of Lalu, Tej Pratapap and Taskhish Yadav, made the police look like a picnic spot. Tea was offered to him before he got inside. After that Lalu's eldest son Tajratapapap saw sweet accounts inside.
After being arrested, first came to Tej Pratap police station and they were served tea at the Darga room near the gate. Sharat Pratap, in his own style, was seen taking a sip of tea inside the police station. At the same time, when Rashid was brought to the police station, RJD workers arrived in the police station with dozens of dessert desserts and entered the dargah room with sweets basket. It was as if the two leaders had come to the guest-room in an atmosphere of celebration. Stunning did not take sweets, but his elder brother, Prabhatapatap, was seen snatching out of sweetness.
After being arrested, first came to Tej Pratap police station and they were served tea at the Darga room near the gate. Sharat Pratap, in his own style, was seen taking a sip of tea inside the police station. At the same time, when Rashid was brought to the police station, RJD workers arrived in the police station with dozens of dessert desserts and entered the dargah room with sweets basket. It was as if the two leaders had come to the guest-room in an atmosphere of celebration. Stunning did not take sweets, but his elder brother, Prabhatapatap, was seen snatching out of sweetness.
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