Aaradah is a very important face in Bollywood's Star Kids. Ever since Bachchan came to Aditya in the family, Mom Aishwarya appears with Prabha Abhishek at some event in some event. Aaradhya is also very dear to his grandfather Amitabh.
In the past, a video of Actress Amitabh Bachchan and Aishwarya Rai Bachchan is getting viral on social media. In which, both Amitabh and Aishwarya received awards during an award function. After this, when the media asked the question how to recite Aradha on this victory, then what happened is interesting.
Only then did Aishwarya get good welcome with Amitabh. His father-in-law told Aishwarya the best, but in response, Amitabh told him to stop behaving like Aaradhya.
But according to estimates, perhaps there is a function of last year. At present, Amitabh Bachchan is in the shoot of '102' and the movie 'Thugs of Hindustan', while Aishwarya has just finished shooting for Funnial Khan recently.
In the past, a video of Actress Amitabh Bachchan and Aishwarya Rai Bachchan is getting viral on social media. In which, both Amitabh and Aishwarya received awards during an award function. After this, when the media asked the question how to recite Aradha on this victory, then what happened is interesting.
Only then did Aishwarya get good welcome with Amitabh. His father-in-law told Aishwarya the best, but in response, Amitabh told him to stop behaving like Aaradhya.
But according to estimates, perhaps there is a function of last year. At present, Amitabh Bachchan is in the shoot of '102' and the movie 'Thugs of Hindustan', while Aishwarya has just finished shooting for Funnial Khan recently.
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