The next day after the second reception of team India captain Virat Kohli, another Indian cricketer joined the Married Club. The elder brother of the team's all-rounder Hardik Pandya and the IPL team Mumbai Indians member Kunal Pandya got married on Wednesday (December 27) with Pankhari Sharma of Mumbai. The wedding took place in Mumbai's Five Star Hotel JW Marriott Hotel. There are many cricketers besides Master Blaster Sachin Tendulkar.
The ring cremation of Kunal Pandya and Pankhuri took place on Wednesday morning. After this, pompous wedding ceremony was done.
- Hardik Pandya has a lot of fun in the wedding of elder brother The brothers did a lot of dance on different songs.
- The wedding reception will be held at Marriott Hotel on Wednesday night. In which Team India's many cricketers are expected to arrive.
The ring cremation of Kunal Pandya and Pankhuri took place on Wednesday morning. After this, pompous wedding ceremony was done.
- Hardik Pandya has a lot of fun in the wedding of elder brother The brothers did a lot of dance on different songs.
- The wedding reception will be held at Marriott Hotel on Wednesday night. In which Team India's many cricketers are expected to arrive.
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