Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli recently had a reception in Mumbai, in which there were many celebrities of Bollywood and Cricket World. On this occasion, Karan Johar, director of Anushka's film 'A Dil Hai Khaat' was also present and according to an entertainment website, he had a special request from the New Weddings.
According to sources, Karan had expressed his desire to become a celebrity guest in Virusa's 'India's Next Superstar', which he is judging with filmmaker Rohit Shetty. Karan wants to shoot these epic episodes in the second week of January.
But Anushka has told Karan that if she is in Mumbai then she will do her best to come to the show. Lekip Virat is a bit difficult to come to the show because his match in South Africa is going to be. However, there will be a week gap between each match but it is difficult to get it.
- Tell that these Lovely Couples have recently left for South Africa. There was also the Indian cricket team with them. These couples will celebrate the New Year at the same time and after this Anushka will return to Mumbai and become busy in her professional commitments.
According to sources, Karan had expressed his desire to become a celebrity guest in Virusa's 'India's Next Superstar', which he is judging with filmmaker Rohit Shetty. Karan wants to shoot these epic episodes in the second week of January.
But Anushka has told Karan that if she is in Mumbai then she will do her best to come to the show. Lekip Virat is a bit difficult to come to the show because his match in South Africa is going to be. However, there will be a week gap between each match but it is difficult to get it.
- Tell that these Lovely Couples have recently left for South Africa. There was also the Indian cricket team with them. These couples will celebrate the New Year at the same time and after this Anushka will return to Mumbai and become busy in her professional commitments.
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