Actress Anushka Sharma and cricketer Virat Kohli's reception were held on Thursday in Delhi. During the reception held at The Darbar Hall of the Hotel Taj Diplomatic Enclave, Anushka danced in the face with a note in the mouth. During this time Virat Kohli was with him too. Earlier, Prime Minister Narendra Modi also came to bless Newly Weds Couple
In addition to family members in Viruska's reception, Punjabi singer Gurdas Mann, Gautam Gambhir and his wife Natasha, Suresh Raina and Wife Priyanka, Shikhar Dhawan and Wife Ayesha, Arun Jaitley and Anuradha Prasad also came in the reception.
- Let Anushka-Virat marry on December 11 at the Borgo Finesto Resort in Tuscany, Italy. During this time only 50 special guests arrived.
In addition to family members in Viruska's reception, Punjabi singer Gurdas Mann, Gautam Gambhir and his wife Natasha, Suresh Raina and Wife Priyanka, Shikhar Dhawan and Wife Ayesha, Arun Jaitley and Anuradha Prasad also came in the reception.
- Let Anushka-Virat marry on December 11 at the Borgo Finesto Resort in Tuscany, Italy. During this time only 50 special guests arrived.
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