In the evening on Tuesday (December 26), Virat Kohli and actress Anushka Sharma got the second reception for Team India captain Virat Kohli. Most of the team members of Team India reached this function. Meanwhile, former captain MS Dhoni appeared with the Wife witness and daughter Jeeva. However, you would be surprised to know that Anushka and Sakshi did not make a relationship because of both Hussband, but she was a friend in her childhood and her schooling was the same.
Actually, the recent friendship of Anushka and Sakshi was revealed recently, when Anushka's Fan Club tweeted her childhood photo.
It was astonishing for the fans that in this photo Anshka also witnessed a witness. After this Anushka himself disclosed that they and the witnesses used to read together in childhood.
- In 2010, Dhoni and Sakshi were married. After this, the witness and Anushka met again and the witness told them about their talk that their schooling took place in Assam's school.
Actually, the recent friendship of Anushka and Sakshi was revealed recently, when Anushka's Fan Club tweeted her childhood photo.
It was astonishing for the fans that in this photo Anshka also witnessed a witness. After this Anushka himself disclosed that they and the witnesses used to read together in childhood.
- In 2010, Dhoni and Sakshi were married. After this, the witness and Anushka met again and the witness told them about their talk that their schooling took place in Assam's school.
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