On December 28, Dhirubhai Ambani has a birthday. His son Mukesh Ambani is in discussions about Reliance's telecom project live. At the same time, more often than Mukesh, his wife runs the news of the media often about cricket and social work. His love story with Mukesh is no less than any movie story. Nita was chosen by her mother Kokilaben for Mukesh. He liked Nita after performing a dance performance in a function
Actually, Nita had a middle class family and used to teach her at a school on the salary of Rs 800 a month for running her own expenditure.
- Neeta was very fond of teaching children. He feared that after marriage, his hobby might not be taken away from him.
- In an interview many years ago, Nita told that she put the condition in front of Mukesh that if she allows her to teach in the school even after her marriage, then she will go for marriage.
- Only after Mukesh Ambani did the job, Nita filled her marriage, and Nita continued to teach at private school after becoming the daughter of Amir Khanadan.
Actually, Nita had a middle class family and used to teach her at a school on the salary of Rs 800 a month for running her own expenditure.
- Neeta was very fond of teaching children. He feared that after marriage, his hobby might not be taken away from him.
- In an interview many years ago, Nita told that she put the condition in front of Mukesh that if she allows her to teach in the school even after her marriage, then she will go for marriage.
- Only after Mukesh Ambani did the job, Nita filled her marriage, and Nita continued to teach at private school after becoming the daughter of Amir Khanadan.
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