TV actress and designer Mandira Bedi is enjoying vacation with the family these days. Recently, the temple has shared some photos of the vacation on the Instagram, in which he is standing with the husband near the pool and standing in the pool. Tell us, the temple is going to celebrate this new year.
On February 14, 1999, the goddess of marriage to the film maker Raj Kaushal is the mother of 6 year old son Veer, born on June 19, 2011.
- The 45-year-old temple keeps the balance between work and fitness. That's why he is quite fit even at the age of 45.
- This look of the temple got only due to regular workouts and fitness dedication. Take a look at the instagram of the temple and there will be many photographs in which he is seen working in the gym.
- In an interview, Mandira had told that his zero fitness is the exercise of running around 10 kms every day.
- He said that wherever he goes, the sports shoe always keeps up with. Runs at the hotel or wherever they are.
On February 14, 1999, the goddess of marriage to the film maker Raj Kaushal is the mother of 6 year old son Veer, born on June 19, 2011.
- The 45-year-old temple keeps the balance between work and fitness. That's why he is quite fit even at the age of 45.
- This look of the temple got only due to regular workouts and fitness dedication. Take a look at the instagram of the temple and there will be many photographs in which he is seen working in the gym.
- In an interview, Mandira had told that his zero fitness is the exercise of running around 10 kms every day.
- He said that wherever he goes, the sports shoe always keeps up with. Runs at the hotel or wherever they are.
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