Rohit Sharma also won the T20 series as captain after the ODI series. In addition, his performance in both the series against Sri Lanka has also been tremendous. In the second match in ODIs where he scored the third double century, in the second T20 he also equaled the record of fastest Sanchri. These are all in the absence of Team India's run machine and captain Virat Kohli. Fans made many fun comments like this.
Fans made many comments on Rohit and Virat on social media. Sharing a photo of Delhi reception shows that Virat Wise is telling Anushka that Rohit has also installed Sanctuary in T20. After that he says that Sharma's boy will spoil both career and captaincy.
It is worth mentioning that Rohit has given a spectacular performance in both the series so far. On December 13, in the ODI, he had done a double blow to double century. He is the only cricketer in the world to do this. On this achievement of Rohit, Virat and Anushka congratulated them from Italy.
- Please tell that Virat Anushka was in Italy for her marriage. Kapal's grand wedding took place on December 11.
Fans made many comments on Rohit and Virat on social media. Sharing a photo of Delhi reception shows that Virat Wise is telling Anushka that Rohit has also installed Sanctuary in T20. After that he says that Sharma's boy will spoil both career and captaincy.
It is worth mentioning that Rohit has given a spectacular performance in both the series so far. On December 13, in the ODI, he had done a double blow to double century. He is the only cricketer in the world to do this. On this achievement of Rohit, Virat and Anushka congratulated them from Italy.
- Please tell that Virat Anushka was in Italy for her marriage. Kapal's grand wedding took place on December 11.
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