BJP MP Hema Malini has blamed the wildly increasing population of the city for the fire in restaurant at Kamala Mills Compound in Mumbai. He said that the cities are increasingly growing. Population limits should be fixed in every city. Let's say, by giving these statements Hema Malini has trolled on social media. Showing Hema's viral photos on this occasion
- Hema Malini said, "It is not that the police is not doing their job, they have done a great job, but the populations are too much. The second city should start from where Bombay ends, but the city is growing There should be control over populations, the limits of populations should be fixed in the city, more than that, people should be sent to another city. "
- Hema Malini said, "It is not that the police is not doing their job, they have done a great job, but the populations are too much. The second city should start from where Bombay ends, but the city is growing There should be control over populations, the limits of populations should be fixed in the city, more than that, people should be sent to another city. "
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