The Khokhar, which reached Gujarat by destroying in Kerala and Tamil Nadu, has reached Gujarat via the Arabian Sea. Here it is believed that there will be huge effect in Surat's maritime areas. With the effect of Okhi, the waves were seen bouncing above 10 feet in the sea of Dumas. During that time the wind speed is 50 to 60 kms. Can happen every hour
Due to the octane cyclone, the ocean has become stormy. The waves of the sea are bouncing upwards. The possibility is that waves can jump up to 10 to 12 feet above. Today the cyclone can enter Surat at midnight. The changes in sea activities will change overnight
Due to the octane cyclone, the ocean has become stormy. The waves of the sea are bouncing upwards. The possibility is that waves can jump up to 10 to 12 feet above. Today the cyclone can enter Surat at midnight. The changes in sea activities will change overnight
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