Actress Anushka Sharma and cricketer Virat Kohli have tied up with the marriage of (December 11) marriage. Now the reception of their wedding reception, all of which is inked. One reception will be held in Delhi on December 21 and the second will be held in Mumbai on December 26. chas created special invitations for the reception in Mumbai. This card is designed by designer Sandy Khurana
The card of Anuska's reception card designed by Sandy Khurana's The Entertainment Designs Cup is special. An ester plant is also being given with the card. Sandy's brother Kapil Khurana said that this card is unique, it also has an ester plant. He told that Anushka wanted that this plant was also a part of the inventory. He wanted every guest to be given this plant so that he could keep it as a memento and take care of him.
The card of Anuska's reception card designed by Sandy Khurana's The Entertainment Designs Cup is special. An ester plant is also being given with the card. Sandy's brother Kapil Khurana said that this card is unique, it also has an ester plant. He told that Anushka wanted that this plant was also a part of the inventory. He wanted every guest to be given this plant so that he could keep it as a memento and take care of him.
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