गुस्साए सांड ने महिला का किया ऐसा हाल की...

In the year 2017, there was a lot of new look in the UP. From the election campaigning of the Assembly election to the oath of CM, many such photos were seen to be very viral. Whether he is campaigning with Rahul-Akhilesh, or whether Modi-Mulayam talks in the swearing-in ceremony. Apart from this, a bull in the Chhath puja was picked up by a woman in a pooja, and the photo was taken too seriously.

On the eighth Ghat of Varanasi, on the day of Chhath Puja, a woman was reached between a woman and a woman.

- The bull foiled in the middle of the horn and tossed the woman and ran away and ran away to the other.
