जब पब्लिक में लड़की करने लगी ऐसी हरकत, तो..

A Russian girl raised her skirt on the public place and took a strange protest. From the railway station to the pavement, this girl raised her skirt repeatedly in front of the people. Seeing that people became ashamed of water and water. Many wondered why this beautiful girl is doing such a thing

This girl named Anna Dovgalyuk stood in the center of the sub-station and began to take her skirt repeatedly in front of the camera. First, people did not understand what it was like to be. After this Ana told in his interview to the media that this is the way of his opposition.

- Ana told that incidents of sexual harassment are increasing day by day. It has become such a situation that now it becomes difficult to wear a skirt. Girls who wear skirts are scurrilously dirty and try to take photographs of them, which is not less than a crime.

- Ana opposed the same thing in this unique way. Ana said that incidents like Upskirting should be brought into the category of crime.
