Well, Bollywood superstar Salman Khan has many fans but Kashmiri's 75-year-old Joyna Begum is special. Actually, they have been celebrating Salman's Birthday for the last few years. Like every year, together with this family, Salman is celebrating 52th birthday.
Zayana, who has a relationship with Jammu and Kashmir, has been adopted by Salman Khan.
Salman had adopted this woman during the shooting of the film 'Bajrangi Bhaiyan' in 2015, which is supposed to be from Asamukum, a small village in Anantnag.
- Salman helped this woman's family to build a new house. At the same time, he had also promised to arrange work for his grandson. However, today's grandfather is beginning to work in his granddaughter.
- Zayna says, "Allah has sent Salman for us, he helped us a lot. I wish him good luck every year like this."
- Tell me that Zayna is a widow and her daughter-in-law is also a widow. They have four grandchildren and three grandchildren.
Zayana, who has a relationship with Jammu and Kashmir, has been adopted by Salman Khan.
Salman had adopted this woman during the shooting of the film 'Bajrangi Bhaiyan' in 2015, which is supposed to be from Asamukum, a small village in Anantnag.
- Salman helped this woman's family to build a new house. At the same time, he had also promised to arrange work for his grandson. However, today's grandfather is beginning to work in his granddaughter.
- Zayna says, "Allah has sent Salman for us, he helped us a lot. I wish him good luck every year like this."
- Tell me that Zayna is a widow and her daughter-in-law is also a widow. They have four grandchildren and three grandchildren.
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