Bollywood actor Dharmendra has been 82 years old. Born in Punjab on December 8, 1935, Dharmendra is famous in Bollywood as Man-Man. In his films such as Dharmendra, he is seen as a mash maula. Even in real life, he is something like that. Dharmendra's family has two wives, four daughters and two sons. Most of Dharmendra's family members were directly linked to the film industry, but their first wife Prakash Kaur and three daughters (winner Ajit, Ahana) never came in the movies
Sunny Deol's son Karan Deol is now going to debut with the film 'Pal Pall Dil Ki Paane'. Karan is the grandson of Dharmendra With Karan's debut from this film, the third generation of Deol Family will be seen in Bollywood. Dharmendra's four grandsons are Karan, Rajveer, Aryaman and Dharam Deol.
Sunny Deol's son Karan Deol is now going to debut with the film 'Pal Pall Dil Ki Paane'. Karan is the grandson of Dharmendra With Karan's debut from this film, the third generation of Deol Family will be seen in Bollywood. Dharmendra's four grandsons are Karan, Rajveer, Aryaman and Dharam Deol.
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