Amitabh Bachchan and Karan Johar have worked together in many films and both have a good friendship. But recently Karan said something like this, which caused Big B to get angry. Actually, Karan Johar and director Ramesh Sippy were present at an event recently. At the same time, Karan said - At one time I thought that there are all Punjabi in the industry as my dad used to talk to everyone in Punjabi. Even he used to speak in Punjabi from his cast and crew member too. Big B also speaks Punjabi Punjabi, without flattering Punjabi
Amitabh got annoyed to hear this comment from Karan Johar. He apologized on Twitter and wrote - Do not, I speak Punjabi because my mother was a Sikh and I am also a half Sikh. That's why I can speak Punjabi.
Amitabh got annoyed to hear this comment from Karan Johar. He apologized on Twitter and wrote - Do not, I speak Punjabi because my mother was a Sikh and I am also a half Sikh. That's why I can speak Punjabi.
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