TV show 'Dhai Kya Prem' has been done. In this show, the new look of actor Meherjan Mazda, who plays Piyush, has come out, in which he looks quite fit. In fact, Mehrjan had increased his 20-kilometer weight for the show 'Dhai Kya Prem Prem'. He used to weight up to 108 kg in the show. But now they have reduced their weight by 8 kg. And they will reduce 6 kg in the coming time. Let me tell you that the last episode of this show was broadcast on September 30 this year.
Mehrjan focused on reducing his weight after the show closed. He has lost weight of 8 kg in a month. They will lose their weight now and After sharing the weightloss, he has shared his photos on Instagram. Seeing their transformation in photos. He took a prop of diet and sweat in the gym.
Mehrjan focused on reducing his weight after the show closed. He has lost weight of 8 kg in a month. They will lose their weight now and After sharing the weightloss, he has shared his photos on Instagram. Seeing their transformation in photos. He took a prop of diet and sweat in the gym.
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