Law Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad has presented the bill on three divisions in the Lok Sabha. Under this bill, three divorces have been recommended to be brought under the purview of Criminal Offices. The law minister said in the Lok Sabha that this bill is for women's dignity for Himajat. Well, there is such a curse of three divorced societies, who also had to undergo the passing actress Meena Kumari.
Meena Kumari, who was known as Tragedi Queen and Cinderella of Indian films, was married to director and scriptwriter Kamal Amrohi at the age of 19.
- The special thing is that at that time Kamal was already married and the father of three children.
Meena Kumari, who was known as Tragedi Queen and Cinderella of Indian films, was married to director and scriptwriter Kamal Amrohi at the age of 19.
- The special thing is that at that time Kamal was already married and the father of three children.
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