Bollywood actor Arjun Kapoor director Dibakar Banerjee will be seen in the upcoming movie 'Sandeep and Pinky Phillar'. Arjun has worked in many films in his acting career. Of these, his films were also hit. Let us tell you that his journey to become a hero was not easy. Not so easy because he was not like a physic hero. Before coming into films, he weighed 140 kg. But with Salman Khan's inspiration, Arjun worked on his physique and weighed 50 kg. In 2012, he debuted in Bollywood with the movie 'Ishqzade'. However, he also worked as an Assistant Director and Producer before trying his luck in acting.
Arjun Kapoor, when he was 22 years old, weighing 140 kg. He was also asthma. Due to overweight and asthma, they could not even run 10 seconds. He told in an interview that obesity was a part of his life. They never wanted to lose weight. At the same time, he got inspiration from Salman Khan and he planned to lose weight. Salman told them if they lose weight, then they can become heroes. That was the moment when Arjun thought of reducing his weight to become an actor.
Arjun Kapoor, when he was 22 years old, weighing 140 kg. He was also asthma. Due to overweight and asthma, they could not even run 10 seconds. He told in an interview that obesity was a part of his life. They never wanted to lose weight. At the same time, he got inspiration from Salman Khan and he planned to lose weight. Salman told them if they lose weight, then they can become heroes. That was the moment when Arjun thought of reducing his weight to become an actor.
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