In the Susuda police station, a woman has accused her of attempting excesses against her brother and giving her with his mother-in-law. According to the victim, her brother-in-law had kept a bad eye on her for a long time. When the husband went out of the city, late night he started taking a mobile and started doing obscene acts by showing pornography on the phone. As if he was out of the room. After this she was constantly troubling him, the woman got frustrated and filed a report against Deor. Now the police is investigating the case.
According to the woman afflicted, Devar's intention was not right from the beginning. He often used to tamper it. I used to ignore it as his childhood, but a few days ago he came to the arbitrarily. My husband had gone to Ahmedabad for some work, that day I was just a mother, mother-in-law and brother-in-law.
According to the woman afflicted, Devar's intention was not right from the beginning. He often used to tamper it. I used to ignore it as his childhood, but a few days ago he came to the arbitrarily. My husband had gone to Ahmedabad for some work, that day I was just a mother, mother-in-law and brother-in-law.
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