Sanal Kumar Shashidharan's Malayalam film 'S Durga' did not get screening on the last day of 48th International Film Festival of India (IFFI). Despite the directive of the Kerala High Court, the censor board rejected the film a few hours before the end of the event.
CBFC argues that there is a problem in making the title of the movie as sexy Durga with S. Durga and then S *** Durga.
CBFC has written a letter to Shaji Mathew, producer of S. Durga in this case. It has been said that in view of new complaints from the Jury, the U / A certificate received by the film will be re-examined.
There will be special screening in the 22nd International Film Festival of Kerala in Kerala. This festival is starting on December 8.
CBFC argues that there is a problem in making the title of the movie as sexy Durga with S. Durga and then S *** Durga.
CBFC has written a letter to Shaji Mathew, producer of S. Durga in this case. It has been said that in view of new complaints from the Jury, the U / A certificate received by the film will be re-examined.
There will be special screening in the 22nd International Film Festival of Kerala in Kerala. This festival is starting on December 8.
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