Police marathon was organized in Thane, adjacent to Mumbai. Many film stars were also present along with CM Devendra Fadnavis's Wife Amrita Fadnavis to award the marathon winners. Including actors Hrithik Roshan, Sunil Satty and actress Jacqueline Fernandes. Amrita has fiercely enjoyed the stage with the Stars after the marathon is over. A few selected photos of this marathon held on Sunday, Amrita has posted on her Facebook page on Wednesday.
This marathon organized on Sunday at the Raymond Maidan of the city was organized by the Thane Police Commissionerate.
- The marathon competition was inaugurated by Thane Police Commissioner Parambbir Singh and film actor Sunil Shetty.
In this competition, Shobha Desai won 21 km race between Kashinath Dudhade and 21 km of women category.
- Awarding the marathon winners, Actor Hrithik Roshan said that the police continue to serve the protection of life and security of every one of us. That is why they have a lot of mental stress. It is extremely beneficial to exercise regularly for liberation.
During the show, Amrita Fadnavis also danced on the songs of Hindi films. During this, along with actress Jacqueline Fernandes has also given her.
This marathon organized on Sunday at the Raymond Maidan of the city was organized by the Thane Police Commissionerate.
- The marathon competition was inaugurated by Thane Police Commissioner Parambbir Singh and film actor Sunil Shetty.
In this competition, Shobha Desai won 21 km race between Kashinath Dudhade and 21 km of women category.
- Awarding the marathon winners, Actor Hrithik Roshan said that the police continue to serve the protection of life and security of every one of us. That is why they have a lot of mental stress. It is extremely beneficial to exercise regularly for liberation.
During the show, Amrita Fadnavis also danced on the songs of Hindi films. During this, along with actress Jacqueline Fernandes has also given her.
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