On Wednesday, the train of the train going to Hyderabad going to Hyderabad went on a mentally impaired young man. In the moving train, he was able to do strange things at the driver's seat and then in the middle of coupling, before the engine. It seemed as if he was thinking of himself as a train driver. The young man reached Dongargaon, 35 km away from Khandwa in this situation. At Bagmara station, he was released after a big embarrassment.
According to the information, there was an additional engine in the train going from Jaipur to Hyderabad. In this engine this young man had climbed. When the train passed from Bagmara station, the station master saw this half-naked young man doing strange activities in the engine engaged in the engine. He immediately informed the loco pilot on walkie talkie. While ascertaining the seriousness, the driver stopped the train at Dongargaon Station, asking for immediate immediate shutdown of the line.
- After the train stopped, there was a crowd of employees and passengers at the station. The young man asked the railway workers and the passengers to get down on the engine, but his actions continued. On seeing, he got on the roof from the engine. After that, two staff members climbed on the engine to take him down and he jumped from the top. After being attacked for nearly 20 minutes, he was caught. After staying at the train for 23 minutes, he was released.
According to the information, there was an additional engine in the train going from Jaipur to Hyderabad. In this engine this young man had climbed. When the train passed from Bagmara station, the station master saw this half-naked young man doing strange activities in the engine engaged in the engine. He immediately informed the loco pilot on walkie talkie. While ascertaining the seriousness, the driver stopped the train at Dongargaon Station, asking for immediate immediate shutdown of the line.
- After the train stopped, there was a crowd of employees and passengers at the station. The young man asked the railway workers and the passengers to get down on the engine, but his actions continued. On seeing, he got on the roof from the engine. After that, two staff members climbed on the engine to take him down and he jumped from the top. After being attacked for nearly 20 minutes, he was caught. After staying at the train for 23 minutes, he was released.
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