Here are two high profile cases in this discussion today. First, the alleged doctor lover in Jamshedpur put pressure on her to change her religion, in which she was murdered if the girl was not ready. At the same time, former judge of the Jharkhand High Court (Vigilance) Mushtaq Ahmed surrendered in the CBI court on Wednesday in the National Shooter Tara Shahdev Pratadana case. Mushtaq is accused that she had helped her husband Raqibul Hasan alias Ranjit Kohli in torturing Tara Shahdev
In 2014, Tara Shahdev came to the discussion when he had accused her husband of making a change of religion. Tara also alleged that her husband was cutting her with dogs. She used to have unintelligible sex with him and threatened to push her into a sex racket.
- Forcibly converted to forced conversion by husband Ranjit Singh Kohli, creating inhuman physical relations and brutal behavior has been made the basis of divorce.
- In the application, the address of husband Ranjit is mentioned in the flat with flat number 4 of the Blair apartment in main road with Hotwari Jail.
In 2014, Tara Shahdev came to the discussion when he had accused her husband of making a change of religion. Tara also alleged that her husband was cutting her with dogs. She used to have unintelligible sex with him and threatened to push her into a sex racket.
- Forcibly converted to forced conversion by husband Ranjit Singh Kohli, creating inhuman physical relations and brutal behavior has been made the basis of divorce.
- In the application, the address of husband Ranjit is mentioned in the flat with flat number 4 of the Blair apartment in main road with Hotwari Jail.
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