Vidya Balan's upcoming movie 'Tumari Sulu' is ready for release. Vidya is doing tremendous promotion of the film. Recently, Vidya gave Tehelka by giving an offensive statement to a soldier's army. Referring to his college days, he had made serious allegations against the Army jawan.
Vidya had said in an interview to TOI, "When I was in college, an army jawan stood at VT station and was being seen on my side. He was constantly staring at my breast and then he looked at me.
The charges against Vidya Balan's army personnel were very viral on social media. After this viral statement, a Army soldier has released his video and made his statement. This video of the young man is also very viral.
Vidya had said in an interview to TOI, "When I was in college, an army jawan stood at VT station and was being seen on my side. He was constantly staring at my breast and then he looked at me.
The charges against Vidya Balan's army personnel were very viral on social media. After this viral statement, a Army soldier has released his video and made his statement. This video of the young man is also very viral.
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