On Saturday, November 16, Amitabh Bachchan's granddaughter was the birthday of Aaradhya Bachchan. Big B specializes in his granddaughter by posting several more on Twitter In the evening, the entire Bachchan family was spotted to celebrate the Birthday of Aaradhya.
On this happy occasion, a bad news related to Amitabh Bachchan was also revealed. It was reported that Amitabh Bachchan became an accident when he went to the 23rd Kolkata International Film Festival last week. In which Big B survived childhood.
It was said that in the Mercedes car he was going, the last wheel was suddenly separated. The state government has issued a show cause notice to the travel agency providing the car and asked for clarification.
When this news reached Big B, he clarified about it and said, "I came to know from my well-wishers that my accidents have been done. But let me tell you that nothing has happened. This news is wrong. I'm absolutely right.
On this happy occasion, a bad news related to Amitabh Bachchan was also revealed. It was reported that Amitabh Bachchan became an accident when he went to the 23rd Kolkata International Film Festival last week. In which Big B survived childhood.
It was said that in the Mercedes car he was going, the last wheel was suddenly separated. The state government has issued a show cause notice to the travel agency providing the car and asked for clarification.
When this news reached Big B, he clarified about it and said, "I came to know from my well-wishers that my accidents have been done. But let me tell you that nothing has happened. This news is wrong. I'm absolutely right.
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