Bollywood actress Richa Chadha bought a house in Versova, Mumbai three months ago. He lives here with his brother Pranav. Tell me about this house. He said, "I have been living in the new house for three months. I decorate the house in a personal way. I want to come home so it feels like I have a house. It does not look like that the house was designed by an interior designer
Richa said, 'I believe in Vastu Shastra. There is a new home now. Vaastu Shastra will be worshiped in a few days. Dad keeps a little bit of information. I'm just waiting for them. They will come, then I will worship When I get a holiday, I also cook food. Especially make me a Sunday, because I give the holiday to the working person on Sunday. In the kitchen I have breakfast first and after that I cook my own type of healthy food '. He said, 'My cat's name is Kamli. I brought it from my friend Shahid Amir Ankolkar in April last year. They have a cat, when they have children, I took one of them. I believe everyone should adopt the stomach and PETA's Campan Do not Shop, that is, buy animals, do not even have to advertise. Give dog-cat a street home or advertise from the street.
Richa said, 'I believe in Vastu Shastra. There is a new home now. Vaastu Shastra will be worshiped in a few days. Dad keeps a little bit of information. I'm just waiting for them. They will come, then I will worship When I get a holiday, I also cook food. Especially make me a Sunday, because I give the holiday to the working person on Sunday. In the kitchen I have breakfast first and after that I cook my own type of healthy food '. He said, 'My cat's name is Kamli. I brought it from my friend Shahid Amir Ankolkar in April last year. They have a cat, when they have children, I took one of them. I believe everyone should adopt the stomach and PETA's Campan Do not Shop, that is, buy animals, do not even have to advertise. Give dog-cat a street home or advertise from the street.
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