Bollywood actor Varun Dhawan has been heavily involved with Fan on the road, he is heavily involved. Mumbai Traffic Police has blamed Varun Dhawan's viral picture. In addition, e-invoices have also been sent. However, Varun has apologized for his behavior.
Actually, Varun was going from his car as usual. Then a girl sitting in the adjacent auto on the traffic signal asked her for selfie. To fulfill his fan's demand, Varun got out of the car window and started taking selfie with the girl. This photo of Varun became viral on the Internet.
On seeing this picture, the Mumbai Traffic Police tweeted Varun and reprimanded him. Tweeted while typing - 'Such an adventure runs on silver screen but not on the road. By doing so, not only yourself, but also the life of other people, besides that girl. You are a responsible citizen and your identity is among the people. In this way, the expectation increases with you. The e-challan has been sent home. Next time concrete steps can be taken.
Actually, Varun was going from his car as usual. Then a girl sitting in the adjacent auto on the traffic signal asked her for selfie. To fulfill his fan's demand, Varun got out of the car window and started taking selfie with the girl. This photo of Varun became viral on the Internet.
On seeing this picture, the Mumbai Traffic Police tweeted Varun and reprimanded him. Tweeted while typing - 'Such an adventure runs on silver screen but not on the road. By doing so, not only yourself, but also the life of other people, besides that girl. You are a responsible citizen and your identity is among the people. In this way, the expectation increases with you. The e-challan has been sent home. Next time concrete steps can be taken.
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