TV show 'Marie Aashiqui Tumse Hihi' has been re-married life Kapl Smriti Khanna and Gautam Gupta on November 23 in Mumbai. Now both the photos of the Wedding Cemetery have come up in which weighing the memory pink and silver color, while Gautam Cream and White Sherwani is looking at it. Shahid Kapoor, along with wife Meera Rajput in Kapal's wedding, many Celebs along with K.J. Singh, Karanveer Bohra, Dia Mirza, Jackie Bhagnani, Sujain Khan
On Wednesday, turmeric and henna ceramani were arranged at the house of Smriti in Mumbai.
- In Haldi Ceremoni, Smriti took the yellow and pink color suit. In the Mehndi, wearing a blue and yellow shed cloak was seen wearing.
If you talk about the first meeting of both of them, then they met on the sets of 'My Aashiqi Tumse Hihi' (2014-16).
- Playing the role of Kapal in Reel Life - friendship between them and then fell in love.
On Wednesday, turmeric and henna ceramani were arranged at the house of Smriti in Mumbai.
- In Haldi Ceremoni, Smriti took the yellow and pink color suit. In the Mehndi, wearing a blue and yellow shed cloak was seen wearing.
If you talk about the first meeting of both of them, then they met on the sets of 'My Aashiqi Tumse Hihi' (2014-16).
- Playing the role of Kapal in Reel Life - friendship between them and then fell in love.
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