Comedian Kapil Sharma has been dating childhood friend Gini Chatratha for a long time. Recently he also celebrated Birthday Girlfriends with his Friends. A video of celebration Bharti Singh has shared on his Instagram, in which Ginni Cakes Katkit and standing with Kapil Friends, Happy Birthday Song is singing
Kapil Sharma had already reached Shirdi with Girlfriend Ginni for some time. Where both Sai Baba had joined the aarti together.
- Some photos of this visit were revealed. In which two families were standing nearby together, though Kapil had said nothing about this photo.
According to the report, Kapil had come here to pray for the success of his upcoming film 'Firangi'. After coming here, he kept the film's trailer launch event.
- Tell me, on this Diwali, Kapil could not go to his hometown, so that Ginni had come to Mumbai for him. Here both of them celebrated this festival together
Kapil Sharma had already reached Shirdi with Girlfriend Ginni for some time. Where both Sai Baba had joined the aarti together.
- Some photos of this visit were revealed. In which two families were standing nearby together, though Kapil had said nothing about this photo.
According to the report, Kapil had come here to pray for the success of his upcoming film 'Firangi'. After coming here, he kept the film's trailer launch event.
- Tell me, on this Diwali, Kapil could not go to his hometown, so that Ginni had come to Mumbai for him. Here both of them celebrated this festival together
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