Comedian and actor Kapil Sharma's heroine Ishita Datta stuck in the bondage of theft chupke marriage at the ISKCON temple in Juhu, Mumbai. On Tuesday evening, Ishita married her co-star Vatsal Seth in the TV serial 'Relationships - Bajigar'.
Ishita Dutta's wedding ceremony was kept quite private In which family and close friends of Bollywood were called, but it was astonishing that Kapil Sharma did not arrive here in the film 'Firangi'. There is no reason to not reach Kapil but it is believed that Kapil Sharma has been running ill for some time now. Apart from this, he is also busy in the promotion of the film, due to which he could not get married.
Ishita Dutta's wedding ceremony was kept quite private In which family and close friends of Bollywood were called, but it was astonishing that Kapil Sharma did not arrive here in the film 'Firangi'. There is no reason to not reach Kapil but it is believed that Kapil Sharma has been running ill for some time now. Apart from this, he is also busy in the promotion of the film, due to which he could not get married.
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