Actor Sagarika Ghatge, who came to limelight via superhit film Chak De India, got married to former Indian cricketer Zaheer Khan. Both of them recently had court marriages followed by a cocktail party at a five star hotel in Mumbai and only close relatives and friends were included.
Zaheer Khan and Sagarika Ghatge's love story are no less than any film story. Sagarika herself and Zaheer Khan did not think that they would ever become friends of each other.
Then how did Zaheer Khan become the friend of Sagarika, you know? Do you know what Zaheer Khan used to do to teach Sagarika parents? No ? Let's tell you.
Zaheer Khan and Sagarika Ghatge's love story are no less than any film story. Sagarika herself and Zaheer Khan did not think that they would ever become friends of each other.
Then how did Zaheer Khan become the friend of Sagarika, you know? Do you know what Zaheer Khan used to do to teach Sagarika parents? No ? Let's tell you.
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