Karan Johar and Rohit Shetty have decided to give Bollywood a new face again. Soon, Karan and Rohit Shetty will be seen playing the role of Star Plus's next talent reality show 'India's Next Superstar'.
These shows are very special for those people who want to try their luck in the world of acting. Only 30 people will be finalized in this show. Of which 15 girls will be and 15 boys will be
The specialty of the show is that a separate group of these boys and girls will be made who will be given a task every day. In the final, only one boy and one girl from the finalists will reach the finals. The best thing about this show is that who will win, Karan will get three films offer with Dharma Production Company
These shows are very special for those people who want to try their luck in the world of acting. Only 30 people will be finalized in this show. Of which 15 girls will be and 15 boys will be
The specialty of the show is that a separate group of these boys and girls will be made who will be given a task every day. In the final, only one boy and one girl from the finalists will reach the finals. The best thing about this show is that who will win, Karan will get three films offer with Dharma Production Company
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