The case of changing the child from the hospital in Kurukshetra of Haryana has not been solved. On Friday the relatives of the accused handed over the complaint to the police regarding the investigation. The woman's family members alleged that she had a son, but the hospital staff came in an hour later and told that the girl was a girl. After giving the child, he congratulated them and congratulated them, but only then the nurse took him along with him to the SNCU. Later said that the girl has happened. On the other hand, hospital management denied these allegations.
- Kamlesh said that the girl was brought to her near ten o'clock on Friday morning. She gave milk to the baby. After this, the baby was taken to the infant center.
- At 3 pm, the hospital staff handed them to the girl. Now they are feeding the baby.
Kamlesh says that he did not know that he gave birth to a boy or a girl. Due to Caesarean, they were not conscious during delivery.
- Kamlesh said that the girl was brought to her near ten o'clock on Friday morning. She gave milk to the baby. After this, the baby was taken to the infant center.
- At 3 pm, the hospital staff handed them to the girl. Now they are feeding the baby.
Kamlesh says that he did not know that he gave birth to a boy or a girl. Due to Caesarean, they were not conscious during delivery.
- Even if the girl does not meet her in the investigation, she is ready to raise her, but in reality, the truth is obvious
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