On the lines of Akshay Kumar's movie 'Toilet: A Premkatha', the new bride will get her toilets in the house. During the marriage, the bride vowed with her husband that she would make toilet in her mother-in-law's house. She convened a toilet seat with the money she had seen in the mouth and gifted her to the mother-in-law in the pavilion. Modi government supports Swachh Bharat Mission, this case has emerged in Ashoknagar district of Madhya Pradesh
According to the information, Sawan Kumar Ahirwar of Ashoknagar was married to Archana Ranjai. On Sunday, the bride's face appeared in the house. During this, the neighbors and relatives gave the bride money. Later the bride asked to buy a toilet seat with these money and she gifted her to her in the pavilion.
- Not only this, the new couple took the pledge of 'Captain Lota' in front of relatives. Kapal has decided that in 15 days, the rest will be made toilets. Until then the buoys will remain in their house.
According to the information, Sawan Kumar Ahirwar of Ashoknagar was married to Archana Ranjai. On Sunday, the bride's face appeared in the house. During this, the neighbors and relatives gave the bride money. Later the bride asked to buy a toilet seat with these money and she gifted her to her in the pavilion.
- Not only this, the new couple took the pledge of 'Captain Lota' in front of relatives. Kapal has decided that in 15 days, the rest will be made toilets. Until then the buoys will remain in their house.
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