In 1997, Mahima Chaudhary, who had a debut with Shahrukh Khan, who was debuting with the film 'Pardes', recently made a big disclosure. He said why after all the graph of his career went down suddenly. In an interview, Mahima expressed her heartache, "Because of being a single mother, I wanted money for the upbringing of my daughter".
Mahima said, "It takes more time to work in any movie so I could not work in it. To earn money, I started judging many reality shows and cutting ribbons into functions. However, now I feel that my decision has spoiled my actress career '.
Significantly, Mahima Chaudhary married architect Bobby Mukherjee in 2006. This marriage is an 8 year old daughter of glory. At present, glory is apart from her husband for divorce.
Mahima said, "It takes more time to work in any movie so I could not work in it. To earn money, I started judging many reality shows and cutting ribbons into functions. However, now I feel that my decision has spoiled my actress career '.
Significantly, Mahima Chaudhary married architect Bobby Mukherjee in 2006. This marriage is an 8 year old daughter of glory. At present, glory is apart from her husband for divorce.
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